Sunday Morning Worship & Communion 11.30am – 12.30pm
Tuesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer 7.30 – 9.00pm
Thursday Prayer Meeting 11.00-12.00pm

Month: November 2023

Everyone is Welcome at the Welcome

November 23 Recap

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14) Throughout November there has been a lot happening at the Welcome. We finished distributing the 5000 new church leaflets to homes in the local area, Thrive went on a trip to Prison Island, the annual Christmas Fair …

Soul Sisters Christmas Craft Night

The ladies had a fab time on Monday 27th November crafting some lovely handmade Christmas candles and gonks! It was a great time of fellowship together, chatting and learning new skills. It was lovely to think about how we all have a little bit of creativity inside us because we are made in the Creator’s …

Christmas Fair 2023

On Saturday 25th November we held our Annual Christmas Fair in the Amy Carmichael Centre from 11am-2pm. This year we were aiming to raise funds for our chosen charity Blue Blossoms Autism Support Group who support children and families with autism. Some of the stalls included; cupcakes, sentsy candles, Linfield Football Club and other fantastic …

Thrive Escaped from Prison Island

This term Thrive went to Prison Island on the Boucher Road on Tuesday 14th November. Prison Island is a series of escape rooms where the young people along with the leaders had to complete various challenges in order to score points. Everyone had a great time and again we are thankful to the leaders who …