November 23 Recap
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)
Throughout November there has been a lot happening at the Welcome. We finished distributing the 5000 new church leaflets to homes in the local area, Thrive went on a trip to Prison Island, the annual Christmas Fair took place, Soul Sisters had a Christmas craft night as well as all the usual ministries.
Pastor Jonathan has continued the teaching series in Isaiah on Sunday mornings and Philippians on Tuesday evenings. At Reach Out at the Welcome Thomas McKeown (Boneyard) came along and shared his story of the transformation God has brought to his life.
We held a baby dedication on Sunday 26th November for Logan Smith. We pray for his family and that young in life he would trust Christ as his Saviour.
Pastor Steve had the opportunity to take a school assembly in Forth River Primary and has continued to be involved with the Scripture Union group in Belfast Model School for Girls. It has been fantastic to see the numbers at the SU continue to grow each week with over 70 girls in attendance.
For those who have experienced ill health and those suffering bereavement again we pray that God would give them all the strength they need to keep pressing on for Him!
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