April 23 Recap
April Recap
He is not here but is risen! (Luke 24:6)
This month we celebrated the death and resurrection of Christ our Saviour. On the first Sunday of April Kidz Reach took part in our special Palm Sunday service. On Good Friday we gathered for a time of thanksgiving and communion which concluded on Easter Sunday celebrating that Christ has risen, defeating sin and death. Easter Sunday was even more special as a man aged 87 surrendered his life to God after the service.
After pausing for Easter Pastor Jonathan resumed our Sunday series on Joshua and continued our Teaching Tuesday series on Colossians. Stuart McFarland shared his testimony at Reach Out and Discipleship Explored with Pastor Steve has now concluded.
We have had 3 baby dedications during the month. We pray for each of the children and their families that when they reach the age of understanding they would come and put their trust in God.
Kidz Reach, Friday Night Club, Thrive and Senior Citizens all took a break over Easter. This was a refreshing time for all the volunteers who faithfully serve in each of these ministries. On Sunday 23rd April the older youth from Kidz Reach had an outing to Pizza Express for lunch before returning to the church to play some games. It was a great afternoon of fellowship amongst the young people.
Following the Easter break Pastor Steve had the opportunity to partner with Scripture Union to take P7 It’s Your move RE lessons in Springfield Primary. These lessons help pupils to prepare for moving to their new school in September and remind them to trust God in everything. Pastor Steve also commenced RE lessons with the P5 and P6 classes in Edenbrooke Primary working alongside Emma-Jayne Speers (Youth Worker at Woodvale Methodist Church). He has also had the opportunity to mentor some pupils in Integrated College Glengormley. We praise God for all the opportunities to share the good news about Jesus in the schools.
Once again, we remember those who have lost loved ones or struggling with health this month and pray that God would meet each of their needs and give them the peace that passes all understanding.
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