April Recap 24
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10).
Looking back over April it is hard to believe that a third of the year has passed already. We give all glory and praise to God for the great things that have taken place in the Welcome this month. For restoring Jim back to the faith and Gareth and Leanne making the greatest decision to become followers of Christ!
On Sunday mornings Pastor Jonathan has resumed the teaching series on 1 Samuel. On Sunday 28th it was a special service where we dedicated Finlay Sykes to the Lord. We pray for him and his family that the Lord would bless them.
At Reach Out on the first Sunday of the month Glen McAuley told his life story and shared John 10:10. We are thankful for Glen’s testimony and with over 5000 views on Facebook, we pray it has been a blessing to others. Meanwhile on Tuesday evenings we continue to study the book of Revelation.
As it gets nearer the summer months Thrive finished on Tuesday 30th April but 2 weeks previous, they had trip Go Karting. Everyone had a great time, and we are so thankful to the leaders who give up their time to serve the Lord and encourage the young people.
Pastor Jonathan had an opportunity to share the Amy Carmichael Lasting Legacy presentation with a men’s group from Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle and Pastor Steve spoke to Glenwood Primary 5 on Amy’s legacy.
Pastor Steve has also had the opportunity to take SU groups in the Boys and Girls Model schools. We give thanks for those Christian teachers who give up their lunch each week and are so thankful for opportunities in each of the schools.
We pray for families whose loved ones have passed away, especially the Tracey family circle and pray the Lord would comfort all.
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