December 23 Recap
Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)
As another year comes to an end we rejoice once again that God is good, loving, gracious and has been faithful to us as a church during 2023.
Throughout the year there have been many who have come and put their trust in God. On Christmas Eve we give thanks for Sadie taking that decision to accept Jesus as the best present to the world.
There have been so many highlights this year including:
Animal Adventures Summer Scheme
As well as so many other things and if you have missed anything make sure to read the monthly recaps on our website.
December began with Jay Millar coming along to share his testimony at Reach Out at the Welcome. It was fantastic to see the hall so full, with extra seats being required. We give thanks for Jay’s openness and the journey God has him on.
Pastor Jonathan concluded the Sunday morning series in Isaiah and the Teaching Tuesday series on Philippians. We had a fantastic carol service with Kidz Reach and Youth Reach and on Christmas Eve evening we held another carol service. John Gilchrist who became a Christian in the summer shared how God saved him in 3 ways. Firstly, his life when he was stabbed, secondly from alcoholism and finally from sin. We praise God for John’s testimony and pray that he would continue to grow in grace and knowledge. On Tuesday 19th Donald Coulter came along to share about his new devotional book he released along with the other ministries that He is involved in, and it was a great evening.
Senior Citizens, Thrive, Friday Night Club and Kidz Reach all finished up and took a break over Christmas. We really appreciate all who give their time to serve the Lord at each of these different ministries and pray they would be refreshed over Christmas as they look ahead to 2024.
Again during the month many people experienced grief and we extend our sympathy to all of those who lost family before Christmas and throughout 2023.
Looking forward to 2024 we are excited for what lies ahead this year at the Welcome Church. Our God never changes, and our prayer is that we would continue to see souls saved, believers discipled, and God glorified in everything we do.
Comments: 1
Thank you Lord all to you we owe 🙏🙏