January 23 Recap
He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. (1 John 2:2)
January can seem to some like the longest month of the year but here at the Welcome it has flown in, as it has been another busy month.
Pastor Jonathan began the New Year with a new series on the life of Joshua on Sunday mornings, while at Teaching Tuesday he continues our series on Pictures of the Patriarchs. Jackie Roberts came along again during the month to share on the Presence of God in the Temple in Jerusalem. We had a fantastic evening with Callum Webster from the Christian Institute who informed us about the challenges facing Christians living in the UK. We also had Stuart Cahoon sharing at Reach Out and give thanks to God for the individual who surrendered their life to Christ on that evening. On Sunday 15th we had a baby dedication service for Jaxson Maginess and pray that young in life he would trust in Christ.
Senior Citizens, Thrive, Friday Night Club and Kids Reach all restarted after the Christmas break.
Pastor Steve alongside Ruth Dalzell the Scripture Union E3 worker in North Belfast and Newtownabbey have had the opportunity to take RE lessons in Springfield Primary School as well as an assembly. They have taken the Scripture Union club in Forthriver Primary on Tuesday afternoons, and it has been great to see 25-30 children come along each week to hear about the life of Christ.
Along with some of the other churches in the local area January saw the commencement of the Scripture Union in the Girl’s Model. Pastor Steve has been involved in this every Thursday lunchtime running 3 sessions for the different year groups in the school. It has been fantastic to see almost 80-100 girls attend each week and we pray that God would use this endeavour to shine the light of Christ into the school.
Pastor Steve also had the opportunity to be involved with the Scripture Union GSUS live project in Integrated College Glengormley. We pray for the 361 pupils who took part over those few days that they would remember the stories and find hope in Jesus.
Again, we extend our sympathies to those connected with our church whose loved ones passed away and pray that God would bring comfort to them. We also pray for the year ahead that God would help us to keep him at the centre as we proclaim Christ to the whole world and hope you will join with us in doing that!
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