January 24 Recap
22 Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Again, we give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness throughout 2023 and as we have so much to praise God for already at the start of a new year. This month 3 people came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks for Andrew, George and Gary and pray the Lord would bless and encourage these 3 men as they seek to live for Him.
On the first Sunday of January, we welcomed into the fellowship 9 new members. Jim Weir came along to Reach out at the Welcome to share his testimony and share a few songs. It was a great evening and if you missed it, catch up on Facebook.
Pastor Jonathan completed a two-part series in the book of Philemon at the start of the month on Tuesdays. He also began a new Teaching Tuesday series in the book of Revelation which in comparison will be a little longer than two parts and we hope to take much of the year looking at this book together. Pastor Jonathan is also planning to begin a new series on Samuel at the start of February on Sunday mornings. During the month we had a visit from Adam Rochford and Nathan Joseph who shared about the work of the Trinity Church in Stockport.
All the ministries recommenced after Christmas, although the weather throughout the month has proved challenging with some preferring to stay in the safety and comfort of their own home. On Tuesday 30th January Thrive took a trip to Laser Quest and had a great night of fun together.
Pastor Steve saw the recommencement of the Scripture Union in the Belfast Model School for Girls on Thursday lunchtimes. He also had the opportunity to take the SU group in Springhill Primary School. We give thanks to God for both these schools and for what was shared with the children and young people.
There are many in the local Woodvale community and within our church family who are beginning a new year with a bereavement. We extend our love to all of those who are grieving and pray that God’s love would bring comfort to them.
We look to the Lord for His leading and guiding in the year that lies ahead and pray that we would see His great faithfulness at the beginning of each new day!
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