June Recap 24
24 Only fear the LORD and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you. (1 Samuel 12:24)
This month at the Welcome there have been many highs but also some lows with a couple of families in our local area having to deal with sudden grief. We pray for all of those that are hurting today but we are so thankful to the Lord for the great things He has done.
Many of this month’s highlights we have shared including Kidz & Youth Reach Prizegiving, finishing It’s Your Move in the P7 lessons, Edenbrooke Careers Day, Senior Citizens visit to Coleman’s Garden Centre and the Thrive Day away.
On Sunday mornings Pastor Jonathan has continued the study series on Samuel. On the first Sunday at Reach Out William Neill one of the deacons in the church shared his incredible testimony. We give thanks to God for William and if you have not listened to it check out our Facebook Page.
We are so thankful to everyone on Sunday 9th June who gave to our annual gift day. We also gave thanks for little Priya Moore and dedicated her to God during the morning service.
At Teaching Tuesday Pastor Jonathan has continued to lead our studies in Revelation which have been so encouraging and a blessing to all. He will take a break from the studies during July and August.
On Monday 24th we held safeguarding training for all our leaders and volunteers. It was such an informative evening, and we are so thankful again to all of those who give up their time to serve the Lord in our youth ministries.
We look ahead to our summer scheme at the end of July and pray for all of those heading on holiday over the next few weeks that they have a refreshing time!
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