Schools Report 22-23
The end of another school year is within touching distance for pupils and teachers as they look forward to their summer break. Pastor Steve has had a busy year since joining the Welcome and has appreciated every opportunity given in both primary and post primary schools.
Throughout the year he has taken assemblies and RE lessons in Edenbrooke, Glenwood, Forth River and Springfield Primary Schools. Helped with Forth River SU group, spoke at the Boy’s Model Senior SU and assisted with restarting Girl’s Model SU alongside various other church workers.
We give thanks to God for the ability to be able to go into these schools and share His love with pupils, and staff. We hope that everyone has a lovely summer and will continue to pray for the P7s as they prepare to begin their new schools.
Joshua 1:9- Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
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