Blessed are those who mourn,For they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)This month has been an incredibly difficult month for the church and Pastor Jonathan has taken at least one funeral every week of families who have been bereaved in our community. One our members, Mina Currie’s sudden home call was a reminder to us all that every …
Over the last few weeks, on Sunday mornings, Pastor Jonathan has shared various devotional messages looking at some of the Psalms from the Bible. On Sunday 16th February he will begin a new series for 7 weeks titled “The Cries of the Cross” focussing on the seven sayings of Jesus as He hung on the …
It was fabulous to have the RVH Liver Support Group along with us on Friday night to present a cheque to them of £1745, this was money raised during the annual Christmas Fair! A huge thank you to all who came along and donated! But more importantly thank you to the RVH Liver Support Group …
I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. (Psalm 16:8) This was the key verse Pastor Jonathan encouraged us all to hold onto on the first Sunday of this new year. Throughout the month Pastor Jonathan has taught us through various Psalms while on Sunday evenings Pastor …
Luke 2:11-For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. December in the Welcome has been a busy month but also a time for rest. Some of the highlights throughout the month we have already shared on other news posts including: On Sunday mornings Pastor Jonathan …
After weeks of preparation Kidz Reach & Youth Reach led out Christmas Carol Service on Sunday 15th December. Pastor Steve welcomed everyone to the service with the church filled to capacity. Then Youth Reach read a poem from the Brick by Brick Christmas Story book. Kidz Reach acted out Luke 2:8-20 when the angels appeared …
For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) After attending the church for 13 years we give thanks to God for Andy putting his faith in Jesus this month. If you haven’t had a chance, make sure to check out some of this month’s highlights …
We are delighted to be able to let you know that there has been a DEFIBRILLATOR fitted to the front of the church building right on the corner between Cambrai Street and Heather Street. Please do share this post so that all in the local area will know where to find it in the unfortunate …
October 24 Recap Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable. (Psalm 145:3) We praise God this month for Gillian and Beverley putting their faith in God following two Teaching Tuesday Bible studies. At the Welcome our goal is not to see people join our church but to become followers of Christ and we …
After a long break, Band of Brothers got together again on Monday 14th October for a night of bowling at Glengormley Superbowl. The men enjoyed a night of fun and fellowship with Thomas taking over from Joel as the champion. It was a great evening! Keep listening to the announcements in church for our next …
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