Sunday Morning Worship & Communion 11.30am – 12.30pm
Tuesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer 7.30 – 9.00pm
Thursday Prayer Meeting 11.00-12.00pm


Everyone is Welcome at the Welcome

September Recap

September has been a very busy month at the Welcome with the beginning of new ministries and other ministries resuming after the summer. On Sunday mornings Pastor Jonathan has continued to share with the church the Life of Moses. This has been a real blessing as we have thought about the importance of putting God …

USA Visitors at the Welcome

On Tuesday 27th September a group of 16 visitors from Calvary Baptist Church, McMinnville, Tennessee came to visit and fellowship at the Welcome. Pastor Tom Fittis from the Calvary Church shared about the journey God had led him on from Belfast to Tennessee. Following on from that Pastor Jonathan shared about the lasting legacy of …

Reach out at the Welcome- Connor Downey

It was a great night last night at our first Reach Out at the Welcome event on Sunday 4th September with Conor Downey telling us his story of God’s saving grace and keeping power. There was a great turnout and we are thankful to everyone who came along. Our next Reach Out event will be …

Associate Pastor Steve Dodds and his family

Welcoming Our New Associate Pastor Steve Dodds

Yesterday was a special day in the history of the Welcome Church when we welcomed our new associate Pastor Steve Dodds into the ministry along with his wife Faith and son Reuben. We wish Pastor Dodds and his family God’s blessing as he ministers amongst us. Be sure to visit our site again soon as …

Gift Day

Gift Day 5th June 2022

Dear Friends We are having a Gift Day on Sunday 5th June 2022. As our church continues to be blessed, this Gift Day will help grow and continue our outreach and evangelism in the local community and further afield. We appreciate that for many of the friends and family of our church this has been …

Friday Night Youth Farewells & New Beginnings

After 16 years of leading the Friday night Youth Club at the Welcome, Pastor Jonathan Clarke passed on the reins to Lindsay Forsythe this week. Past and present youth leaders met on Pastor Clarke’s final night of leading the Friday night meetings to celebrate his retirement. God has truly blessed the Youth Club, with more …

A Welcome Respite to the Big Apple

Pastor Clarke recently returned from a well-earned holiday – or more fittingly, vacation – to New York, USA. He and his son Joel and two friends made the trip to see some of the wonderful sights the metropolis has to offer. The Pastor commented:It was an experience to bike ride around Central Park on a …

Baptism January 2022

A Welcome Baptism in January 2022

The Welcome Church began the new year with a baptismal and testimony service on the 2nd January.Going through the waters were David Dunlop, William Neill, and Charlie McMullan. The church was packed to support these believers in Christ and everyone was astounded with the online interest of this service.We praise the Lord that a young …

Life Explored - 2021

Life Explored at the Welcome

After the success of the ‘Christianity Explored’ course, the Welcome Evangelical Church invited Mark Armstrong back to deliver the next in the series – ‘Life Explored’.The course seeks to answer the essential question ‘What is the best gift God could give you?’Beginning on 7th November 2021, a group met in the Amy Carmichael centre each …