Sunday Morning Worship & Communion 11.30am – 12.30pm
Tuesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer 7.30 – 9.00pm
Thursday Prayer Meeting 11.00-12.00pm

Category: Welcome Church

Everyone is Welcome at the Welcome

Senior Citizens Visit Coleman’s Garden Centre

Our seniors citizens had a fabulous day at Coleman’s Garden Centre in Templepatrick. Everyone was well fed and plenty of shopping took place. The Senior Citizens is finished until September so keep an eye on our Facebook page for more details.

Edenbrooke Careers Day

We partnered up with Equipping for Life again – this time to go into Edenbrook Primary School. Pastor Steve partnered up with David Dickson from Shankhill Community Fellowship to talk about the work of a pastor. Also one of our deacons Stephen Dickson was able to go along and share with the kids all about …

It's Your Move 2024

Over the last 4 weeks Pastor Steve and Emma-Jayne from Woodvale Methodist have been working with SUNI to deliver the It’s Your Move! They have also had some extra help from David from SUNI Schools project – North Belfast and Newtownabbey and Ruth from West Kirk Presbyterian. 5 local primary schools – Springhill, Springfield, Forth …

Kidz & Youth Reach Prize Giving 2024

We loved Sunday at our annual Kidz Reach Prize Giving. It was great to have the kids and young people take part in – showing off their reading, acting, singing, and musical abilities. Thanks to all who came and enjoyed our drama on the life of Amy Carmichael – we pray each one will receive …

Double Dedication

During our morning service on Sunday 26th May It was a joy to be able to dedicate twins Winnie and Wylie. Following on, in the afternoon with a dedication service for Elsie. We pray that they enjoy the Bible story books and we hope to see them at Kids Reach and FNC in future days …

Thank You Youth Leaders

It was great to spend some time together on Friday 24th May as the leaders from Kidz Reach, Youth Reach, Youth Reach Plus, Thrive and FNC all gathered! Pizza , tea, buns, rhyming fun, and some fierce competitive spirits came out! But most importantly a time of remembering the shared vision that all our volunteers …

FNC Trips 2024

On Friday 10th May the Juniors had lots of fun at Funworks SoftPlay and the following week (17th May) the Seniors headed went to AirTastic for their end of year trip. Both nights where fantastic and it’s been a real joy for our leaders to see all the kids through the doors each Friday night. …

Inspire Day with Glenwood P.S.

Thursday 18th April was another day working with Equipping for Life . This time it was P5s from Glenwood Primary School ‘s turn to learn about the life of Amy Carmichael and the work she started in our community. A short walk to the end of Cambrai Street and we saw the pictures and statue …

10 Baptised on Easter Sunday 2024

Easter Sunday 2024 was a memorable day at the Welcome! In the morning we had the joy of sharing in little Eden’s baby dedication. At our evening service it was an amazing blessing for everyone there to hear how 10 of our church family share how they believed in the Lord, how He saved them …

FIEC Information Lunch

On Monday 25th March we had a great lunch today with Andy Hunter from FIEC. It was a joy to share in fellowship with other church leaders, to hear more of the vision of FIEC for our land. Please continue to pray that the Lord would bless these churches and lead them in the way …