December 24 Recap
Luke 2:11-For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
December in the Welcome has been a busy month but also a time for rest. Some of the highlights throughout the month we have already shared on other news posts including:
- Seniors Christmas Lunch
- Friday Night Club Christmas Party
- A Surprise in the Sky Christmas Carol Service
- Revelation Series Complete
On Sunday mornings Pastor Jonathan completed the series of teaching on David and on Sunday evenings Pastor Steve finished the first part of the series on the life of Peter.
However, we had 2 special Sunday evening services. On Sunday 1st December Reach Out at the Welcome took place with local man Walter McBride sharing his testimony of God’s saving grace and keeping power. While on Sunday 22nd December at our final Christmas carol service before Christmas Thomas Shaw shared how he came to faith just under 2 years ago, both were such a blessing and encouragement.
All the ministries took a break over Christmas, and we appreciate so much the time and effort that is given by every volunteer to serve the Lord. We trust that they all enjoy the well-deserved break because without volunteers the ministries could not happen.
Our thoughts and prayers turn to those whose loved ones have passed away. We think and pray particular for Elsie Doyle after the passing of her son and the Mullan family who have lost 3 family members in the space of a month. We pray that God may bring peace and comfort to the broken hearted.
As we look back over the past year, we all praise and glory to God for the 16 individuals who have given their lives over to Him. We pray for the 10 who were baptised and the 9 new members. As we look forward to 2025, please continue to pray for the Welcome Church and continue to look to God for direction in the year ahead.
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