December 2022 Recap
And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Once again December was another busy month at the Welcome. We have already shared some of those highlights such as our Christmas Fair, Reach Out at the Welcome and Carol Service.
Pastor Jonathan ended our series on the life of Moses on Sunday mornings. It has been a real blessing to the church to study how God used Moses to lead His people. While at Teaching Tuesdays we continued our series a Picture of the Patriarchs. On Tuesday 20th December we held a special movie night and watched Why the Nativity by David Jeremiah. Those who gathered were greatly encouraged.
Senior Citizens, Thrive, Friday Night Club and Kids Reach all finished up and took a break over Christmas. We really appreciate all who give their time to serve the Lord at each of these different ministries and pray they would be refreshed over Christmas.
Pastor Steve once again took an assembly in Forth River Primary School and gave to each of the local primary schools a gift on behalf of the church.
Throughout the month of December many people connected with the church and Woodvale community experienced the loss of a loved one. We extend to all those our deepest sympathies and pray that although Christmas may have been difficult that they would take comfort in the hope Christ brings to the world.
As we look ahead to 2023 we are excited for what God may do, He is the One who goes before us and we will not be feared or dismayed about what is to come in the year ahead.
Comments: 1
How lovely to look back & see what God has done. Now we can look forward to new things ahead with God before us how we can go wrong. 🙏🙏