February 23 Recap
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again, I say, Rejoice. (Philippians 4:4)
This month we have so much to rejoice over and give thanks to the Lord. Two men came to saving faith in Christ and another man came back to the Lord. We give all glory and praise to God for the great things he is doing at the Welcome!
Pastor Jonathan has continued our Sunday teaching series through the book of Joshua. He finished our short Bible series on the Picture of the Patriarchs, and we have begun a new series in Colossians. Jackie Roberts also finished his teaching on the tabernacle by taking us through the Passover. There was an opportunity for a few from the church to taste some of the different items on the Passover table but more importantly to gain an understanding of the importance of the Passover meal as Jesus’ last supper. We really appreciate Jackie’s ministry over the last few months. We also began livestreaming our services to YouTube and Facebook.
At Reach Out at the Welcome Paula Murphy-Gibson came and shared her testimony. On Sunday 19th February Discipleship Explored began looking at the book of Philippians. Pastor Steve has led the group using videos, activities, discussions, and everyone has a handbook they can also work through. It has been a blessing to those who have attended and will continue until the end of April.
Soul Sisters met together on the first Monday of the month and had a fantastic Mad Hatters Tea party with over 30 ladies in attendance.
Thrive, Friday Night Club and Kidz Reach continue but took a week’s break for half term. Thrive enjoyed a trip to Dundonald Icebowl at the start of the month. Some of the young people went ice-skating while others went bowling, it was a great night.
Pastor Steve has continued to take RE lessons in Springfield Primary School and the Scripture Union group at Forth River Primary. The Girl’s Model SU has continued to grow each Thursday lunchtime along with mentoring in Integrated College Glengormley.
Again, our hearts go out to those in our church and community whose loved ones have passed away over the last month. We pray that God may comfort them and help them in future days.
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