Gift Day 5th June 2022
Dear Friends
We are having a Gift Day on Sunday 5th June 2022.
As our church continues to be blessed, this Gift Day will help grow and continue our outreach and evangelism in the local community and further afield.
We appreciate that for many of the friends and family of our church this has been a hard few years but we hope you will be able to help us out by donating whatever you can towards our goal.
There are 4 ways in which you can donate to our Gift Day:
- Come along to one of our services on Sunday 5th June at The Welcome Evangelical Church at our 11.30am service and use one of our special 'Gift Day' collection envelopes
- Send a cheque referenced 'Gift Day' made payable to the 'Welcome Evangelical Church' and post it to The Welcome Church, 163 Cambria Street, Belfast, BT13 3JH
- Call into the church office and leave a donation
- Donate via online banking. Our BACS details are: Welcome Evangelical Church, Account No. 10151330, Sort Code 98-01-10. Please reference the payment 'Gift Day'
Thank you for your support!

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