July & August 24 Recap
Sow for yourselves righteousness;
Reap in mercy;
Break up your fallow ground,
For it is time to seek the Lord,
Till He comes and rains righteousness on you. (Hosea 10:12)
Summer has allowed for everyone at some point to have a break and be refreshed by the Lord as we look ahead to a busy season of ministry commencing in September.
Some of the highlights of summer have already been shared on our news page included: Run for the Prize Summer Scheme, Seniors Citizens Lunch and Pastor Jonathan commencing a new Sunday teaching series on David, after finishing the series on Samuel.
Reach Out continued in July and August. At the start of July Drew Hamill came along and shared his testimony and how the Lord is using him in Victoria Evangelical Hall, Carrickfergus. While in August we had Ricky and Maggie Wallace share how Jesus had changed their lives from addiction to serving Him with Stauros.
Towards the end of August, we held 2 special Missionary evenings on Tuesdays. First, Kim Cooper shared about the work of Stauros and along with some of the group that meet in the Amy Carmichael Centre on a Tuesday morning. The following week Andy and Rachel Millar from Clairemorris in County Mayo spoke about how God is blessing the church there and the need and desire to purchase a building of their own. Both were really encouraging evenings as we heard some of the incredible stories of what God is doing.
Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Steve throughout the summer were officiating at several weddings. We give thanks to God for all the couples and pray that He would bless them in their marriages.
We also sympathise with those who have lost loved ones and pray they would be comforted by the promises found in God’s words.
Even though things have been quieter over the summer we give thanks for Betty, Ashley, Natasha and Rhys who all came in faith to Jesus. We pray that as they begin their Christian journey, they would grow to love the Lord more and as we look ahead to September, we pray we would see many more lives changed by the love of God as It is time to seek the Lord!
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