June 23 Recap
And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
It is hard to believe that we are halfway through 2023 and summer is upon us. During the month some of the highlights have included Kidz Reach Sunday, Reach Out at the Welcome with Paula Cahoon, Father’s Day service and Baptismal Service.
Pastor Jonathan finished the Sunday morning teaching series on the life of Joshua, which has blessed and encouraged everyone. Sunday evening services continue along with Prayer and Praise services on Tuesday evenings. On Tuesday 20th we had Walter and Ella Madimustsa along to share a missionary report about the work they are doing in Zimbabwe with SIM (Serving In Mission). It was a fantastic night and Walter and Ella treated us to some African worship.
On Sunday 18th as well as it being Father’s Day Pastor Jonathan led a baby dedication in the church. We give thanks for Ren Madden and continue to pray for him along with his family.
After the Kidz Reach Sunday all the youth ministries in the church are taking a break over summer. We pray for the kids, young people and their families that everyone will have a great summer and look froward to starting back in September. During the month the school’s ministry came to an end and you can read the full report of everything Pastor Steve has been involved in.
The Senior Citizens finished the year with an outing, we pray that all those who faithfully attend each week will have a peaceful summer break.
We sympathise with those who have lost loved ones during the month including the Spence family, Andy and Kate after the passing of Andy’s beloved uncle. We pray that God would each bless family with His love and comfort.
We give thanks for everything that God has done over this past month and especially for Janet and Ivan who trusted in the Lord at the start of the month. We pray that we as a church family would grow together, deeper in our faith as we seek to serve the Lord.
Comments: 1
Beautiful Thank you Lord for every blessing you give to us in the Welcome 🙏