March 23 Recap
For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. (Colossians 1:16)
God is the creator and supplier of all our needs. This month at the Welcome we give thanks to God for meeting the needs of His creation and the church. We asked the church to give towards a new sound system and we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of God’s people and His faithful provision with the new sound desk being installed this month.
On Sunday mornings Pastor Jonathan has continued our series of studies from the book of Joshua and on Tuesday nights, Colossians. During the month of March, we had our first question and answer night. Pastor Jonathan was in the hot seat and gave the church the opportunity to ask questions based on Colossians chapter 1. It was a good night and helpful in understanding Colossians better.
We had Michael Campbell along at Reach Out at the Welcome and the mothers of the church led our Mother’s Day service. Pastor Steve has continued to lead Discipleship Explored on Sunday evenings which has blessed those in attendance.
On 8th and 9th March, Pastor Jonathan spent a few days in Scotland, hosted by his dear friends Jim and Sandra Elder. Time was spent around the Fife area with a visit to Dunfermline Athletic Football Club among the places visited on the way. Pastor Jonathan also had the opportunity of presenting the ‘Lasting Legacy’ story of Amy Carmichael at Broughty Ferry Presbyterian Church, pictured with Alfredo the church minister. Thursday morning snowfall was predicted as the day was spent at the FIEC conference held in Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh presided by Andy Hunter (regional director for Scotland and Northeast England). A very busy but enjoyable few days and Pastor Jonathan did manage to get home in one piece, albeit through the treacherous snowy conditions.
Meanwhile, Kidz Reach have been busy over the last few Sundays practicing for the special Palm Sunday service on 2nd April. Thrive had a great time Snowtubing on Tuesday 21st while the Friday Night Club presented a cheque of £1800 to Angel Wishes. Band of Brothers met together on Thursday 16th for a game of crazy golf and fellowship. Senior Citizens continue to meet on Wednesday mornings for fellowship together and have a blessed time with the door always open to all (even those not quite senior citizens yet).
Pastor Steve took assemblies in Forth River and Glenwood Primary Schools. The Scripture Union club at Forth River finished this month for summer while the Girl’s Model SU continues to meet each Thursday at lunch. Pastor Steve also took a session at the Boy’s Model SU sixth year group.
Again, our hearts go out to those in our church and community whose loved ones have passed away over the last month and we will continue to remember them before God in prayer.
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