March 24 Recap
For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
March has been an incredible month at the Welcome with lots of outreach and special events taking place. We have shared some of the highlights on the website already including the Inspire Day with Primary 5 from Forth River, FIEC information lunch and the baptism service on Easter Sunday. We give thanks to God for His faithfulness and the opportunities to share about the Risen Saviour.
March began with Pastor Jonathan teaching on the life of Samuel and Stephen Dickson shared at Reach Out at the Welcome. The following Sunday was Mother’s Day with the wonderful mothers of the Welcome leading the service. Naomi shared her testimony of God’s goodness in her life. On St. Patricks day with Pastor Jonathan away speaking in Whitehead Baptist, Mark Armstrong from Langham Partnership spoke at the morning service. The next Sunday we had Andy Hunter from FIEC and Pastor Jonathan finished the month dedicating Eden and sharing about the Hope of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. This was following the Good Friday Service when Pastor Steve reminded the church of the importance of Jesus words from the cross, “It is finished.”
Pastor Jonathan has continued the Teaching Tuesday series in Revelation. Everyone has really enjoyed looking at the different Churches in Revelation and we are grateful to those who make the effort to attend each Tuesday night.
Pastor Steve has been busy taking assemblies in Glenwood and Edenbrooke Primary as well as continuing to be involved with the SU in the Belfast Model School for Girls. The youth ministries and Senior citizens are all currently off for Easter and we pray that the leaders would get a good rest and look froward to the final term before the summer break.
We pray for families whose loved ones have passed away and pray that they would have the assurance of hope that Christ gives. We are so thankful that Jesus is our hope in life and death.
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