May 23 Recap
23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. (Colossians 3:23-24)
May has been an incredibly busy month for the Lord here at the Welcome. On Sunday mornings Pastor Jonathan has continued our series through the life of Joshua and finished the Teaching Tuesday series on Colossians. Through Colossians we have seen that in everything it should be all about Jesus and for Jesus. We took a break from our studies on Tuesday 9th for our church annual general meeting when we elected our 3 new deacons, welcome in 3 new members gave thanks for God’s faithfulness and goodness over the past year.
On Sunday 14th May it was a historic day with a double baby dedication. We give thanks to God for Jasper Rowan and Levi Graham and pray for them and their families. There was another celebratory moment when Pastor Jonathan married William and Gillian McCurdie on 4th May at the Roe Valley hotel in Limavady.
Thrive finished the year on 2nd May with a trip to Loughshore Park, Jordanstown. They played games and went for a Maud’s ice cream. We are thankful to all the leaders who volunteer in this ministry and pray that they along with the young people will have a great summer break.
The Friday Night club finished the year with two trips. On Friday 26th we had a volunteers evening at the church with Domino’s pizza. We gave thanks to Lindsay Forsythe for his leadership over the past year as he passed over the leadership to Pastor Steve. We pray that the children and all their families have a lovely summer and look forward to starting back again in September.
Meanwhile Kidz Reach and the Seniors Citizens have continued.
Pastor Steve took assemblies in Glenwood and Edenbrooke Primary Schools. Alongside Emma-Jayne from Woodvale Methodist they have taken RE lessons with P5, 6 and 7 in Edenbrooke Primary. We are so thankful to be able to go into the schools and share God’s Word.
There was also an opening to go to and provide support to the Girl’s Model SU after the sudden passing of Olivia McCrory. Olivia was a former member of the Friday Night club, and we extend our sympathies to her family and friends. We also sympathise with the Scott family after the passing of baby Nathaniel and pray that God would bring comfort to both families.
God is doing great things at the Welcome and we give thanks for Sally who surrendered her life to Jesus during the month and look ahead to what God has planned in June!
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