September 23 Recap
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.
(Isaiah 40:28)
September has seen the recommencement of all the ministries in the church, with Pastor Jonathan beginning new teaching series on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings. Kidz Reach, Thrive, Friday Night Club and Senior Citizens all started back again and with a growth in the number of those attending. We are so thankful to have so many volunteers who faithfully give of their time to serve the Lord and our community in these ministries. We pray that God will bless everything that we seek to do!
The first Sunday in September began with our special Back to School with God service in the morning and in the evening at Reach Out Carol Armstrong came along to share her testimony. If you were unable to make it go to our Facebook page or YouTube channel to listen to her story. On the final Tuesday of the month with Mark Armstrong from Langham Partnership coming to share about their ministry throughout the world. It was an enjoyable and informative Mission Focus.
Pastor Steve had the opportunity to take assemblies in Forth River and Glenwood Primary Schools. We are thankful to God for the opportunities to go into the schools and pray on for all the children who heard God’s word.
On Monday 26th Soul Sisters met together for a night of Rest and Resplenish. Over 30 ladies were in attedance and enjoyed the night with Naomi sharing her testimony. Thanks again goes to Gillian and Amanda for organising such a great evening.
Throughout the past 9 months we have been busy upgrading our IT systems in the church and this month saw the completion of this work with a new projector screen. We are thankful to those who are involved in this ministry that allows us to livestream our services and to those in the church who gave financially to facilitate these upgrades.
We are conscious of those who have lost loved ones over the past month and again pray that God may comfort the bereaved families.
Thank you again for taking the time to read this recap and we look forward to what God has planned for us in October!
Comments: 1
How are church is thriving God bless our senior Pastor & Junior Pastor Steve Dodds may God richly bless you & you will see much fruit for your labour🙏🙏