Sunday Morning Worship & Communion 11.30am – 12.30pm
Tuesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer 7.30 – 9.00pm
Thursday Prayer Meeting 11.00-12.00pm

Tag: Christmas

Everyone is Welcome at the Welcome

RVH Liver Support Group Visit Friday Night Club

It was fabulous to have the RVH Liver Support Group along with us on Friday night to present a cheque to them of £1745, this was money raised during the annual Christmas Fair! A huge thank you to all who came along and donated! But more importantly thank you to the RVH Liver Support Group …

December 24 Recap

 Luke 2:11-For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. December in the Welcome has been a busy month but also a time for rest. Some of the highlights throughout the month we have already shared on other news posts including: On Sunday mornings Pastor Jonathan …

A Surprise in the Sky- Carol Service

After weeks of preparation Kidz Reach & Youth Reach led out Christmas Carol Service on Sunday 15th December. Pastor Steve welcomed everyone to the service with the church filled to capacity. Then Youth Reach read a poem from the Brick by Brick Christmas Story book. Kidz Reach acted out Luke 2:8-20 when the angels appeared …

Friday Night Club Christmas Party

For the final night of 2024 the Friday Night Club had a Christmas party. With 111 kids along during the night, the Juniors enjoyed the Playbus and inflatable penalty shoot out. At the Seniors they also enjoyed the penalty shoot out and a bit of sumo wrestling. Everyone had a fantastic night and the Friday …

Christmas Lunch at the Senior Citizens

The Senior Citizens had a great time together on Wednesday 11th December with a special Christmas lunch. Everyone enjoyed the food and fellowship. Thanks to Jackie McCourbery & his group for the afternoons entertainment and leading the singing of a few Christmas songs. The Senior Citizens is off for the Christmas break and will recommence …

Christmas Fair 2024 for RVH Liver Support Group

On Saturday 23rd of November we had our annual Christmas Fair! The Charity we chose this year and you all very generously gave to was RVH Liver Support Group. All the current monies have been counted and a total of £1630 has been raised so far! There is still time to give – just bring …

There's a Lion in My Nativity

The annual Christmas Carol service taken by Kidz Reach and Youth Reach took place on Sunday 17th December. The church was full to capacity with children, parents and grandparents. During the service the kids did a slightly different nativity play than usual with lots of different character and objects appearing to remind us that Christmas …

Christmas Fair 2023

On Saturday 25th November we held our Annual Christmas Fair in the Amy Carmichael Centre from 11am-2pm. This year we were aiming to raise funds for our chosen charity Blue Blossoms Autism Support Group who support children and families with autism. Some of the stalls included; cupcakes, sentsy candles, Linfield Football Club and other fantastic …

Christmas Carol Service- Immanuel, God with us

On Sunday 18th December the boys and girls from kids reach along with the young people from Youth Reach led our Christmas Carol service. They did Bible readings, sung Oh what a Glorious Night and The Best Present ever and shared a Christmas poem. The church was filled to capacity and it would be great …

Christmas Fair 2022

On Saturday 3rd December the annual Christmas fair took place. There was a range of stalls from cupcakes to bath bombs, Christmas hampers to crafts with Santa and his two mischievous elves paying us a visit. We are grateful to all who came along and for a fantastic sum of £1765 raised for Angel Wishes. …