Sunday Morning Worship & Communion 11.30am – 12.30pm
Tuesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer 7.30 – 9.00pm
Thursday Prayer Meeting 11.00-12.00pm

Tag: Reach Out

Everyone is Welcome at the Welcome

February 25 Recap

Blessed are those who mourn,For they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)This month has been an incredibly difficult month for the church and Pastor Jonathan has taken at least one funeral every week of families who have been bereaved in our community. One our members, Mina Currie’s sudden home call was a reminder to us all that every …

July & August 24 Recap

Sow for yourselves righteousness;Reap in mercy;Break up your fallow ground,For it is time to seek the Lord,Till He comes and rains righteousness on you. (Hosea 10:12) Summer has allowed for everyone at some point to have a break and be refreshed by the Lord as we look ahead to a busy season of ministry commencing in September. Some of …

July & August 23 Recap

9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. (Hebrews 4:9-10) Although the weather this summer has been miserable, we give thanks to God for the summer months and for the opportunity to seek rest in God. With …

Reach Out at the Welcome- Paula Cahoon

Back in January we had Stuart Cahoon along to share his testimony and on Sunday 4th June it was his wife Paula’s turn to come along to speak about what God has done in her life and is doing. Paula shared some of the struggles and challenges she has faced over the last 15 years, …

Reach Out at the Welcome- Faith Dodds

On Sunday 7th May over 60 people gathered in the Amy Carmichael centre to hear the testimony of Faith Dodds. Interviewed by Pastor Steve, Faith shared about life growing up in Dromore, Co.Tyrone, moving to Belfast and how the Lord brought her and Steve together. It was a fantastic night and everyone once again enjoyed …

Reach Out at the Welcome- Stuart McFarland

Stuart McFarland who grew up in the Woodvale came along to April’s Reach Out to share his testimony. Stuart shared how he use to belong to the Sunday school in the church and believed that the church had prayed for him since he was young. He spent his teenage years playing football and had little …

Reach Out- Michael Campbell

Last night (Sunday 5th March) we met together in the Amy Carmichael Centre to hear the testimony of Michael Campbell. Michael shared how before he became a Christian he loved alcohol and the challenges he faced growing up. He spoke of the night he got saved in 2008 and how the Lord took away the …

Reach Out- Paula Murphy-Gibson

On Sunday 5th February it was great to have Paula Murphy-Gibson along at Reach Out at the Welcome to share her testimony. Paula shared about life growing up in west Belfast, the addictions she battled and how the Lord saved her and turned her life around. The hall was packed to capacity, but if you …

Reach Out at the Welcome- Stuart Cahoon

On Sunday 8th January over 60 people gathered in the Amy Carmichael centre to hear the life story of Stuart Cahoon. Stuart has lived in the Woodvale most of his life but it wasn’t until just over 2 years ago that he surrendered his life to God. It was fantastic to hear of the transformation …

Terri Lavery

Reach Out at the Welcome- Terri Lavery

On Sunday 4th December our monthly Reach out event took place. Terri Lavery testified to the wonderful grace of God in her life and the strength He gave her as she faced both physical and mental health challenges. Everyone was inspired and encouraged by what Terri shared. If you missed out and would like a …