Over the last few weeks, on Sunday mornings, Pastor Jonathan has shared various devotional messages looking at some of the Psalms from the Bible. On Sunday 16th February he will begin a new series for 7 weeks titled “The Cries of the Cross” focussing on the seven sayings of Jesus as He hung on the …
A new year and a new teaching series for our Tuesday nights. We are following on with a theme picked up on from our studies from Revelation and moving across to Thessalonians – books or rather letters that when read from start to finish it can be clearly seen there is a constant drawing of …
Tuesday 31st December was the final day of 2024 but that evening Pastor Jonathan (on his birthday) finished the Teaching Tuesday series on the book of Revelation. The series began on Tuesday 23rd January and took a break during summer and a few other evenings off but throughout the year all 31 studies have been …
After completing a Bible series on the Life of Samuel with some encouragement from a few folk in the church, on Sunday 25th August Pastor Jonathan began a new series on the Life of David. Starting with the most famous story of David ‘s life, David against the giant Goliath. We want to encourage people …
On Sunday 4th February, Pastor Jonathan began a new Bible series in 1 Samuel. The first message of the new series was titled ‘Having a look at a marvellous mother’ focussing on how Hannah gave everything to the Lord. We look forward to continuing our studies in the life of Samuel and you are welcome …
Ever wondered what is happening to the world around us? Know that the Lord Jesus Christ is returning someday but starting to wonder how He is going to sort all this out? Looked at the last book in your Bible and thought, “Wow I have no idea what this is all about?” If yes, then …
On Tuesday 5th September Teaching Tuesday resumed with Pastor Jonathan teaching from the book of Philippians. If you don’t go to a Bible study on a Tuesday night you are welcome to join us at 7.30pm or alternatively you can watch online via Facebook or YouTube. There will be breaks in the studies to allow …
On Sunday 1st January Pastor Jonathan started a new sermon series on the life of Joshua. Join with us each Sunday to hear how God used Joshua to lead the children of Israel to the promised land and the lessons we can learn for today.
Join us every Tuesday evening in October to December 2021 when Pastor Clarke continues to enlighten on the topic of Prophecy.All of the Bible studies relate to Christianity in the current age and how they link to Biblical prophecy.Feel free to visit the Welcome Church at 7.30pm to join us or watch online on our …
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