There's a Lion in My Nativity
The annual Christmas Carol service taken by Kidz Reach and Youth Reach took place on Sunday 17th December. The church was full to capacity with children, parents and grandparents. During the service the kids did a slightly different nativity play than usual with lots of different character and objects appearing to remind us that Christmas is all about Jesus coming into the world. The children sang Light of the World and O what a glorious night and were brilliant throughout the service.
Asha a former Friday Night club member who is in her early 20s sang 2 pieces and Noah who is 14 led the congregation in singing Joy to the World and Yet not I while playing guitar. Pastor Steve concluded the service by using a cracker to remind everyone that regardless of what surprises we face this Christmas, God calls us to trust in Him.
If you missed the service you can watch it on Facebook or Youtube. Please do join us on Christmas Eve at 11.30am for our morning service with Pastor Jonathan and on Sunday evening at 5pm as John Gilchrist who became a Christian in July this year will share his testimony as our special Christmas Eve Carol Service.
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