Sunday Morning Worship & Communion 11.30am – 12.30pm
Tuesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer 7.30 – 9.00pm
Thursday Prayer Meeting 11.00-12.00pm

Category: Welcome Church

Everyone is Welcome at the Welcome

Inspire Day with Glenwood P.S.

Thursday 18th April was another day working with Equipping for Life . This time it was P5s from Glenwood Primary School ‘s turn to learn about the life of Amy Carmichael and the work she started in our community. A short walk to the end of Cambrai Street and we saw the pictures and statue …

10 Baptised on Easter Sunday 2024

Easter Sunday 2024 was a memorable day at the Welcome! In the morning we had the joy of sharing in little Eden’s baby dedication. At our evening service it was an amazing blessing for everyone there to hear how 10 of our church family share how they believed in the Lord, how He saved them …

FIEC Information Lunch

On Monday 25th March we had a great lunch today with Andy Hunter from FIEC. It was a joy to share in fellowship with other church leaders, to hear more of the vision of FIEC for our land. Please continue to pray that the Lord would bless these churches and lead them in the way …

Inspire Day

It was great to have the P5s from Forth River Primary School down at the Amy Carmichael Centre on Thursday 21st March to learn about the life of Amy Carmichael and the work she started in our community. Thankfully the weather held up and we even got out for a short walking tour to the …

Sunday Morning Bible Series for 2024

On Sunday 4th February, Pastor Jonathan began a new Bible series in 1 Samuel. The first message of the new series was titled ‘Having a look at a marvellous mother’ focussing on how Hannah gave everything to the Lord. We look forward to continuing our studies in the life of Samuel and you are welcome …

Blue Blossoms Receive…

At the Friday Night Club on Friday 2nd February the children and leaders presented Shelly and Emily from Blue Blossoms Autism Support Group with a cheque for £1500. The money was raised at the Christmas fair and we are so grateful to everyone who donated so generously!

Trinity Church Stockport

As a member of Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) we are continually seeking ways we can develop links with our sister churches. On Sunday 21st January Nathan Joseph and Adam Rochford, two of the pastors of the Trinity Church, came along to visit us at the Welcome. They shared about their work in the …

New Teaching Tuesday Bible Series

Ever wondered what is happening to the world around us? Know that the Lord Jesus Christ is returning someday but starting to wonder how He is going to sort all this out? Looked at the last book in your Bible and thought, “Wow I have no idea what this is all about?” If yes, then …

9 New Members Welcomed

On the first Sunday of 2024 we welcomed into fellowship 9 new members of the Welcome Church. The Pastors along with the deacons had the privilege of welcoming in Eileen, Ivan, Janet, John, Julie, Mark, Olive, Suzanne, Thomas, Please remember to pray for these new members that they would be rooted and grounded in Christ …

There's a Lion in My Nativity

The annual Christmas Carol service taken by Kidz Reach and Youth Reach took place on Sunday 17th December. The church was full to capacity with children, parents and grandparents. During the service the kids did a slightly different nativity play than usual with lots of different character and objects appearing to remind us that Christmas …