Sunday Morning Worship & Communion 11.30am – 12.30pm
Tuesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer 7.30 – 9.00pm
Thursday Prayer Meeting 11.00-12.00pm

Tag: Church Life

Everyone is Welcome at the Welcome

Trinity Church Stockport

As a member of Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) we are continually seeking ways we can develop links with our sister churches. On Sunday 21st January Nathan Joseph and Adam Rochford, two of the pastors of the Trinity Church, came along to visit us at the Welcome. They shared about their work in the …

9 New Members Welcomed

On the first Sunday of 2024 we welcomed into fellowship 9 new members of the Welcome Church. The Pastors along with the deacons had the privilege of welcoming in Eileen, Ivan, Janet, John, Julie, Mark, Olive, Suzanne, Thomas, Please remember to pray for these new members that they would be rooted and grounded in Christ …

December 23 Recap

Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) As another year comes to an end we rejoice once again that God is good, loving, gracious and has been faithful to us as a church during 2023. Throughout the year there have been many who have come and put their trust in God. …

There's a Lion in My Nativity

The annual Christmas Carol service taken by Kidz Reach and Youth Reach took place on Sunday 17th December. The church was full to capacity with children, parents and grandparents. During the service the kids did a slightly different nativity play than usual with lots of different character and objects appearing to remind us that Christmas …

November 23 Recap

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14) Throughout November there has been a lot happening at the Welcome. We finished distributing the 5000 new church leaflets to homes in the local area, Thrive went on a trip to Prison Island, the annual Christmas Fair …

Christmas Fair 2023

On Saturday 25th November we held our Annual Christmas Fair in the Amy Carmichael Centre from 11am-2pm. This year we were aiming to raise funds for our chosen charity Blue Blossoms Autism Support Group who support children and families with autism. Some of the stalls included; cupcakes, sentsy candles, Linfield Football Club and other fantastic …

October 23 Recap

He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) October began with a special visit from Pastor Greig Ferguson along with his son from Yoker Evangelical Church in Glasgow. Pastor Greig spoke at the morning service and shared his testimony in the evening …

New Leaflet

The church recently designed a new leaflet to advertise everything that is going on throughout the week in the church and in the Amy Carmichael centre. We plan to deliver it to homes in the local community and we are running a Facebook and Instagram advertisement alongside this. Keep an eye out for it and …

Check Out Instagram

The church has set up an Instagram account to keep you up to date with all the activities going on in the church and there is also an Instagram account for the youth. You can view either account through the instagram app, clicking the links below or from the homepage of the website. Church Instagram/ …

September 23 Recap

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. (Isaiah 40:28) September has seen the recommencement of all the ministries in the church, with Pastor Jonathan beginning new teaching series on Sunday mornings and Tuesday …