Sunday 18th June was Father’s Day and to celebrate all the fathers and men who attend the Welcome we held a special service. Jackie McCoubrey and his group played some songs which everyone enjoyed. Jackie then shared his testimony and how the Lord has blessed him throughout his life. To finish the service Pastor Steve …
Back in January we had Stuart Cahoon along to share his testimony and on Sunday 4th June it was his wife Paula’s turn to come along to speak about what God has done in her life and is doing. Paula shared some of the struggles and challenges she has faced over the last 15 years, …
The annual Kidz Reach Sunday took place this year on 4th June 2023 bringing to the end another season of Kidz Reach. During the service the children shared a memory verse, sang songs and Youth Reach led us in a recap of everything they had learned this year. Noah (14) played guitar for the first …
23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. (Colossians 3:23-24) May has been an incredibly busy month for the Lord here at the Welcome. On Sunday mornings Pastor Jonathan has continued our …
During the service on Sunday 28th May the Pastors along with the Deacons welcomed in 3 new members. We give thanks to God for Santosh, Paula, Mark and their 2 sons. If you would like to know more about the church click on Church Life.
After our recent AGM, on Sunday 21st May we welcomed in our 3 new deacons and prayed for them as they step into this leadership role. We give thanks to God for our 5 Deacons and 2 Pastors and pray that God would continue to bless our service for Him at the Welcome! Pictured L-R: …
The Friday Night club has finished for another year and we give thanks to God for all the boys and girls who have came along to the Juniors and Seniors. To finish the year on Friday 12th May the Juniors went on a trip to Funworks in Glengormley and the Seniors on 19th May went …
On Sunday 7th May over 60 people gathered in the Amy Carmichael centre to hear the testimony of Faith Dodds. Interviewed by Pastor Steve, Faith shared about life growing up in Dromore, Co.Tyrone, moving to Belfast and how the Lord brought her and Steve together. It was a fantastic night and everyone once again enjoyed …
April Recap He is not here but is risen! (Luke 24:6) This month we celebrated the death and resurrection of Christ our Saviour. On the first Sunday of April Kidz Reach took part in our special Palm Sunday service. On Good Friday we gathered for a time of thanksgiving and communion which concluded on Easter …
Stuart McFarland who grew up in the Woodvale came along to April’s Reach Out to share his testimony. Stuart shared how he use to belong to the Sunday school in the church and believed that the church had prayed for him since he was young. He spent his teenage years playing football and had little …
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